Sunday, 10 March 2013

The Ghost Ryderz

India's best stunt team on India's no.1 sports bike : Pulsar

Watch the fantastic stunt video of Ghost Ryderz 

Changing the Backlight of Speedo Console of Pulsar (Easy Way)

This method for changing the backlight colour of Pulsar is a easy one and doesn't require the de-soldering of existing LED's

Step 1: Cover the existing LED's with a black tape, this will prevent the orange light to come out.

Step 2: Install the white/blue LED's and give the power supply from the parking light.

Changing Back Light Colour of Speedo Console of Pulsar

Note: It's not advisable for a normal user to tinker with the cosole, unless you are ready to take the risk or very proficient and confident with your fine soldering skills. The Speedo console is worth 3000 rupee. So here we go. Step 1: The First and foremost step is to remove the unit from the bike. Detach the wiring from the back of the unit, and remove the screws marked in red.

Step 2: Now, after removing the cover. Remove the screws of the (1) face plate. (2) Pull the Tacho Needle straight and (3) Push Button Plastic Link

Step 3: You can see in the picture, three parts of console you are left with.

Step 4: Turn back the PCB LCD Unit. This one of the most crucial part. You need to carefully De-solder the LCD points from the PCB Unit. It's important that each and every single point is absolutely free (check with the twizeers that every point is freely moving. Remove the LCD Panel. Even a slight extra force can damage the LCD unit, so be careful.

Step 5 After removal of LCD Panel Unit- (1) Red Area Marked LEDs are the backlit for LCD. (2) Blue Colour Marked LEDs are for the Tacho Unit. (3) Green Marked LEDs are for the needle and Over Rev/Low Fuel Indicators (meant to untouched)

Step 6: Attach a 12V supply to the PCB to check the functioning of the LEDs (before and After changing of LEDs Note: Different version of Speedo Consoles have different setups.

Step 7: Here Comes the most important part. There are two ways to change the backlit. (1) De-Solder the existing LEDS and replace them with your preferred colour. However from experience I found out that even little heat damaged the PCB. After replacing the LED, only few of the replaced ones got lit. I double checked it and found the solder to be fine, but for some unknown reason some were not glowing. So next step was for "The Great Indain Juggad" (2) Remove the existing LEDs and paste strips of LED. These Strips have resistors inbuilt to work with 12Vs and paste over the PCB area.

Note the removed LEDs on the Picture

Step 8: If you are successful to change the LEDs than you are done. But with the Jugaad method, you need to connect the wires to draw power when the back-lit is supposed to be on.

The points on PCB back of the Socket, are points where it's supposed to be soldered. Step 9: Results:

Cost Involved? 1 Meter Strip of LEDs : 300 Rs. (The minimum i got from wholesale dealers) Tools? Screwdrivers, Soldering Iron, Solder,Flux De-soldering Pump and wick and wires LED strips:

Thanks to Rahuldevnath for this Tutorial

10 Years of Leadership

Heres to the decade that has gone by on a Pulsar, and heres to the decades going to come...